FLOAT FISHING For Steelhead - IN Depth HOW TO! (Sliding & Fixed Setups)

Float fishing for steelhead is probably one of the most effective techniques for catching both resident river trout or steelhead in rivers, streams, and creeks around the world. Float fishing is an easy technique to learn, and with time on the water it's a fairly easy task to master! Float fishing for steelhead consists of your rod, reel, 30-50 pound braided line, 10-20 lb fluorocarbon or mono leader, your float of choice and last but not least, the offering to the steelhead! You can use bait, jigs, beads, blades, and more under a float to entice trout and steelhead to bite! In this video Marlin is going to cover how to set up a fixed float fishing setup and exactly how to get out on the water and use this float fishing technique. Jordan is going to cover a sliding float fishing setup. Both these steelhead techniques are insanely deadly on the river, and in our opinion every angler should have these tactics on the river with them every time they go fishing. If you want to learn more about float fishing for salmon, trout, and steelhead check the videos below. Thanks for watching everyone!

Bobber & Jig 101 - https://youtu.be/Vo2tApehRB0
Jig Fishing With Nick Popov - https://youtu.be/9gbIgp1BtJ4
Sliding Float Fishing Worms - https://youtu.be/0nOO08npd5k
Fixed Float Fishing Worms - https://youtu.be/9gbIgp1BtJ4
How To Rig Addicted Fixed Float - https://youtu.be/99PKb4yMLE0
Float Fishing For Salmon - https://youtu.be/bAcuGlu2rxw
Epic Steelhead Fishing Bobber Downs - https://youtu.be/059egE6crDw

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